
Secure payments made easy with Thawani Payment Gateway

A hassle-free way to accept payments on your website or in your app. Our payment system is designed to be easy, secure, and simple to meet the needs of your customers.

Payment Gateway Features

The ability to test the integration in a UAT environment

Through the technical document, you can experience linking and payment with a trial Thawani card in an integrated environment.

Manage financial reports easily

View and download your businesses financial reports for all daily, monthly, and annual transactions.

Refunds are issued to customers within 24 hours.

You can refund the amount based on the customer’s request by linking the void feature from the technical document.

An integrated payment tracking platform

The ability to monitor project progress, information about all activities and payment options, transaction status, and history.

Control the system of settling the amounts directly to the merchant’s wallet

You can transfer amounts automatically or manually directly from the merchant’s wallet and to the business bank account.

Thawani Payment Gateway Documentation

Merchant support